Members Reports

Financial Report 2022/2023

The financial report for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 is available to view here
Letter of corrections to the audit report – view here


Branch and Federal Council Elections 2024

E2024-9 – Stage 1 – Declaration of Results (Uncontested) (A4661019)

E2024-9 – Stage 2 – MUA – Planning Letter (A4666697)

E2024-9 – Stage 2 – Declaration of Results (Uncontested) (A4855826)

E2024-9 – MUA – Post Election Report (A4904517)

MUA Prescribed Information


Officer and Related Parties Disclosure Statements

The Officer and Related Parties Disclosure Statements for 2024 are available to view from the following links:

Federal Office

Adelaide Branch

Brisbane Branch

Hobart Branch

Launceston Branch

Melbourne Branch

Sydney Branch